Important Dates & Events

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Campbells Bay Community Survey

Why a Survey?
On 1 November 2010 our community board and North Shore City Council (NSCC) cease to exist. The functions currently controlled by them and the Auckland Regional Council that relate to Campbells Bay get distributed to an Auckland Mayor, an Auckland Council, a host of Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) and the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board. In light of these changes, we want to create the opportunity to coordinate our planning and work together to influence our future.

Your Residents and Ratepayers Organisation, with the encouragement and support of the NSCC and its CEO, John Brockies, has been taking a lead with other North Shore Residents groups in being proactive to develop a “ground up” approach to planning our future. We have identified some excellent examples, including the prize-winning Porirua City “Village Planning” model and the North Sydney Council Community Precincts scheme . There is also the 2010 prize-winning Sustainable Paremoremo development .

There are two parts to this initiative:
• Working with other community groups to help the new Auckland Council and its local boards recognise and accept local community participation in district planning.
• Developing our own Campbells Bay Community Plan so we have authority from you, the residents, to ask for what we want for our future “social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being”.

A Mandate for Planning
The survey responses will give us - your community plan group – some of the information we need to prepare a plan for the Campbells Bay Community. We would grateful if you took a few minutes to do the survey. Please deliver it by one of the methods given on the back page. We are not limiting our vision to traditional “Council” issues. We want to understand our community's desires for the future of our families, neighbours and environment.

We look forward to working together.

Max Thomson
Chairman, Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association