Taken from the Campbells Bay Times October 2009
Welcome to the first issue of Campbells Bay Times – the official newsletter of Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association.
Welcome to the first issue of Campbells Bay Times – the official newsletter of Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association.
With the Super City start-up just a year away, we are entering a time of significant change in the way Campbells Bay and all Auckland’s suburbs are managed by local government. We will lose our current small community board and will have to work through a larger council, or board, in dealing with the new Auckland Council. In terms of leverage and getting things done your local Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association is going to be an even more important voice for the bay. With this in mind, we want to improve our communication with local Residents. This, our first printed newsletter, is a trial. We welcome your feedback on whether you like it and would like it to become a regular feature of life in Campbells Bay.
Your association holds regular public meetings but we also maintain an email list of members - and interested non-members – which allows us to communicate rapidly with those interested in local issues. We are careful not to flood email in-boxes but instead send out relevant information from time to time. If you would like to be on this list, please email campbellsbayrandr(at)gmail.com giving us your name(s). We will not pass this information on to any other person or group.
If you are not a member and would like to be, please internet bank $5 per household into the Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association ASB account 12-3050-0390530-00. Write ‘subscription’ and your name in the payee statement details; or post/deliver $5 to 16 Sandford Street or 100A Park Rise. We do not deliver receipts but will acknowledge your subscription by email - as long as we have your email address.
I look forward to a challenging time ahead with your committee - helping to enhance the quality of life in Campbells Bay.
Max Thomson (Chairman, Campbells Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association)